I am pretty much behind on my blogs so hopefully I can catch up on all of it now! So after my adventures in the South of France, I turned my sights on Italy, one the countries I had been wanting to visit for the longest time. Here's a quick schedule of what my two weeks looked liked in this beautiful country: 1 night in Milan, 3 nights in Verona, 3 nights in Florence, 1 day in Pisa, 3 nights in Rome and finally one nights in the Rome airport. They were all really great to see and I could write so much about each of the places, but wouldn't everyone rather see pictures?
My first (but not last time) riding a Gondola, it was quite pricy but it was definitely worth the experience in Venice
Probably the most famous site in Rome- the coliseum, beautiful weather too!
Casa de Juliete (Juliet's balcony) in Verona, there were so many people there! luckily I was tall enough to take this picture making it look empty
Me, just relaxing beside the waterways in Venice, it was definitely a change to not see roads with cars but see canals with boats
My last night in Roma, I found this lovely restaurant near Piazza Novana, its called Cucina&Cantina and I highly recommend it, not only for the food but for the ambiance!
Just my little adorable jar of Nutella I found wandering the supermarket in Rome
So I met Adam in Florence, and the sisters Marissa and Arielle in Nice, and somehow we all coincidentally met up in Roma on my last day
This is Pisa, and the tower leans... a lot! It was quite a sight actually to be up close to it
Fancy dinner in Florence, appetizer; calamari with avocado, tomato and butter
This is called a tartufo, apparently its a famous type of gelato found in this one place in Rome
(it was black truffle flavour!)
This is a map of Pisa, just to show you how big it is
The coliseum in Verona, a lot smaller than the one in Rome but at least it had seats!
Walking around all of Italy, its hard not to buy bottles and bottles of wine when their at such a reasonable price
To pair with all this wine, little appetizers (which were all so flavorful)
The train station in Milan was so BIG!
That's me! wearing the Venetian mask that I bought. It reminded me of a wolf like creature, almost.
Just stunning, you really have to be there.
The famous ceiling painting by Michaelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, I could have stayed there all day
When I think of Verona, this is what I think of...
Just some more wine with my meal. I honestly had wine with every proper meal
The lovely sunset in Florence, almost reminds me of home
The Trevi fountain, now I managed to go here everyday because it was that amazing!
(Just don't mind all the tourists and don't forget to throw a coin in the fountain)
The Duomo in Milan is apparently the biggest in all of Italy!
Just some lovely appetizers to pair with wine in Venice
Part of my fancy dinner in Florence; main course, seafood pasta
Doesn't it look amazing? Gelato here literally blew my mind! I had in two weeks about 4 scoops of it a day!
What a fancy dinner with friends in Florence
Inside St. Peters Basilica. This was such an amazing experience that made the line up worthwhile
More gelato! This time Merengue and Nutella
(Doesn't it look just like a heart?)
Just casually sipping some wine in Florence at a local market
Vatican City- enough said.
My diet in Italy consisted of pasta, gelato, pizza, gelato, paninis and more gelato.
This was just one of the many pizzas I had.
Found this in a store display in the Milan train station. A picture's worth
a thousand words? Well, this one has travelled a thousand miles!
In my Milan hostel, I stayed in a 24 bed dorm! It was insane! So many people,
in and out all night. Luckily I was only there for one!
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