Monday, 13 January 2014

A look to the future

Hey everyone, so as part of my goal to blog more I've came up with a bunch of things I thought would be great to start blogging about (you know besides my usual baking and DIY projects).

So here's a list of things that hopefully you'll see in my future blog posts:

1. Food/ restaurant reviews. So living in Vancouver, I am constantly surrounded by foodies and amazing local restaurants and food trucks. And as adventurous as I am, I never seem to record/ review the food. Now I am know lots of people (including myself) are guilty of instagramming their food before eating it and I understand the whole reasoning about it and I'm going to try to do something similar but with a little more caption to the food.  Plus if I can, I'll try to recommend some places my friends and I have tried that we found quite enjoyable.  But on that note, remember I am no food critic, taste is very subjective and what I may like may not be what everyone likes.

2. Since living in my very first apartment, I have grown to appreciate how a home can express so much about oneself and I really wanna capture that. So I'll be posting more around the housee things and DIYs as well as some of my friends interior decor ideas because I love learning more about people by the way they decorate.  Also, because my apartment is so small, I tend to move things around a lot and I think it would be cool to show everyone what my apartment looks like.

3. General photography. I loved taking photos. Especially through high school I used to bring my camera with me everywhere I go, but nowadays I don't seem to anymore and I really want to get back into it.  And living in such a remarkable city, there is always something interesting that seems to catch my eye and hopefully you'll find it interesting too!

4. And of course, all my (hopefully) amazing recipes and treats I come up with through out this year.  Since starting that cake decorating course last week, I've got a whole plethora of ideas that I want to create and Ill share every step and mistake from what I bake with the world.


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