Monday, 27 January 2014

Orange Creamsicle Cookies

Hey everyone! So I'll be the first to admit that with this beautiful sunny weather lately here in Vancouver it doesn't at all feel like Winter, more like late Spring.  So when my good friend Taryn challenged me to make these Orange Creamsicle cookies from my Pinterest board, I happily took on the task.  Nothing reminds me more of spring than running to the ice cream right after school and getting a Popsicle.  Now if I was lucky or had enough money I'd opt for an Orange Creamsicle or Cotton Candy bar.  Now these cookies are small, compact but melt in your mouth delicious (and pack quite the flavour!)

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Red Velvet Dreams

Hey everyone,
So this past week was my friend Tasha's 24th birthday and I wanted to do something real special for her.  Now honestly, I don't have as much disposable income as I want to get a her nice present so I had to look at my more DIY/crafty side to figure out what to get her.  I was browsing Pinterest when it clicked! I was going to use the skills I had started developing from class to make her a birthday cake!

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Impromtu Photowalk

Hey everyone! So today I got the chance to work with the lovely Kelsey Forsyth on a really fun photoshoot/walk. It really was a spur of the moment thing with no real theme to it. We just met up, grabbed some coffee (well I did) and we just walked around the seawall taking shots and really just goofing off. There were a lot of great shots but here are a couple of my favourites! (with a little bit of editing)

Mandatory selfie

Monday, 13 January 2014

A look to the future

Hey everyone, so as part of my goal to blog more I've came up with a bunch of things I thought would be great to start blogging about (you know besides my usual baking and DIY projects).

Monday, 6 January 2014

Welcoming in 2014

Happy New Years everyone! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday and didn't overload themselves with too much work and food (like I did!). Well now that we are early in the new year, I thought it would be great to post some of my New Years resolutions up here as a visual contract to everyone what I will be trying to accomplish this year. Now I know a lot of people are against resolutions because they can't keep it or they don't want a specific day to initiate change or whatever else the matter be; but I love it. I love the idea of being able to change your lifestyle and having a whole year to try to keep it. Now unfortunately I know I am horrible at keeping resolutions because after about 2 months into the year, I lose motivation or forget. But that's why I love making so many resolutions because one or another tends to stick. And it often doesn't have to be huge lifestyle changes for me, like last year my big resolution/ goal was to finally get an agent for acting and I did....eventually. This year I've got resolutions and goals that I feel I could really accomplish. And without further ado, in no particular order, here they are!