Friday, 14 March 2014

Lavender Earl Grey Cookies

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting anything for awhile- I've been a little busy with work and other projects but I promise I'll keep updating as soon as I can.

As for this post;  I have had a lot fun thinking up of different flavour combinations to make with tea.  I find tea to be a very versatile ingredient because of the wide variety of flavours and blends you can find.  In this particular recipe I wanted to combine all the flavours you would find in a traditional tea time (tea, scones and jam)  I started by making a very simple sugar cookie then I used a homemade strawberry jam to sandwich in between the 2 cookies.  Finally I made a lavender earl grey to glaze to finish it off and voila!  A delicious bit sized cookie that would be perfect with any tea.

These are the ingredients I used for the classic cookie;  Flour, Sugar, Butter, Egg, Vanilla extract and a little of Salt.  The gold tin holds the lavender Earl Grey tea I used for the glaze.

I had to first make the dough by mixing all the ingredients together.  This gooey looking thing above shows the batter right before mixing in the eggs.

After you mix the egg in the batter, it should eventually form into a ball the you can roll out onto a floured surface and start cutting out cookie shapes.

You'll need to form to types of cookies; one for the base of the cookie (which will hold the jam) then the top one with a little design in the middle.

Once, the cookies are done you should let them cool in the pan for about 2 minutes before transferring them onto a cooling rack for another 5 minutes.

As weird as this above picture looks, it's actually the lavender earl grey glaze that I made.  I first steeped extra strong earl grey then whisked a little bit of it with confectionery sugar.  Now, I found that the confectionery sugar had a taste that seemed to overpower the delicate aroma of the lavender earl grey.  So once I mixed it together; I put the tea leaves back into the glaze to let it steep once more.  Then I just strained the sugary confection to separate the leaves.

Now using confectionery sugar, I dusted the top of the cookies followed by the earl grey glaze.  Then once that's done I let them cool off before I finished the cookie.

I got this homemade strawberry jam as a gift from a very close friend. And I also used my own homemade berry compote on the other half of cookies.

The final step;  combine both cookies together and voila! A delicious treat for anytime of the day.

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