Sunday, 22 September 2013

Stanley Park photo shoot!

Hey everyone! So for today's post I thought I'd post up some of the shots I took for a fun photo shoot I did with my friend Susan!  We headed off to Stanley Park in Vancouver because A, it has beautiful surroundings and natural backdrops and B, it wasn't so public haha.  

I managed to take a lot of amazing shots with my camera (considering I don't really know how to use it to its full potential- I somehow managed to make it work!). I shoot with a Nikon d5000 with your basic kit lens and a fix focused lens as we'll- maybe someday I'll get a better lens but for now it does it's job.
Plus with finally purchasing an IPad I put it to good use and edited all my photos (well the ones I like) on it.  I took close to about 250 shots and here are the top 30ish? (In my opinion) with a little help of iPhoto, so enjoy!

Saturday, 14 September 2013

A couple Ap.PIE.tizing creations

Pie 1
Hey everyone!
So, I am a complete failure at this weekly blogging thing but with 2 jobs and everything else, I don't feel so bad! I've been pretty busy because I recently started a youtube channel where I try to do fun DIY stuff there. (Link at the end of post), I got a new restaurant job where I work 4 days a week as well as my 3 days at the coffee shop.  Plus I have so many projects in mind that I'm trying to get started.  I also really value my social life so whenever I get a chance, I try to reconnect with old friends or get to know new friends. But I hope whatever your doing, you're well and thanks for checking out my blog; I really appreciate it.

Pie 2

 Recently in the past few weeks, I've gotten into baking pies! I've never made them before, so I thought I'd try my hand at it and I might be slightly obsessed.  Now, normally I would want to try to make everything from scratch but obviously with my lack of time I had to resort to buying pre-made crusts, which surprisingly taste pretty good.  Now onto the important question; what kind of pie did I make?  Well, I've made a couple but here are 2 that I've made that I really enjoyed!