Boy has time gone by so fast! It honestly doesn't even feel like I've been here that long yet I feel like I know Dublin so well. The past 3 days have been really jam packed full of stuff, so lets start from the very beginning.
The check in airport at YVR was really long, and by the time I had through security and everything I managed to make a friend, Gavin. He seemed really cool, lived in Richmond (Granville street area) worked at Whitespot and was like me just going through London to get somewhere else. If I thought the check in line was long, the flight was even longer! I had to sit through watching Moneyball, Crazy Stupid Love and Marley and I while getting a few hours of sleep in between. It really didn't help that I sat in the aisle seat because the 2 people beside me always had to get up. Luckily there was enough leg room for me. But once we arrived in London I had to wait for about 5 hours in the airport before boarding my next flight on Aer Lingus to Dublin. I didn't realize how hard it was to kill time without spending money at an airport. But honestly, that flight from London to Dublin was amazing! The flight was only half sold so I had an entire row to myself! and after the long cramped flight from Vancouver, this flight seemed so easy. Once arriving in Dublin, I somehow managed to find the right bus to take me directly across my hostel. I got my key headed to my room, put my stuff away met my 2 roommates and crashed into a long sleep.
The next day, I decided to take up the free walking tour my hostel had for me and it was definitely worth it. Not only did I see a general outline of Dublin, I got my daily dose of exercise and met a couple of great friends studying in France from the States. The tour lasted 3 hours then we headed for lunch, the Guiness store house (which was amazing) and lastly to the Brazen Head (which is the oldest pub in Dublin). All in all a very successful day.
So my first day arriving in Dublin I booked a tour to see Wickow mountains, Glendalough and a couple of other things. And yesterday was the day for the tour. I got on the bus headed somewhere inlands and met a couple from San Diego who were travelling around Europe for 3 weeks. They were really friendly and helpful, giving me suggestions of what to see in Europe. What I didn't realize was that at the Glendalough monastary there is an optional hike up a mountain to see a waterfall. Now this hike honestly reminded me of the Grouse Grind, just a lot shorted but just as steep. Thank God I wore my boots to hike. The tour also showed us the locations where they filmed Leap Year, Braveheart and PS I love you, and as an actor it was amazing to see these places and imagining a film crew being on it. But once the tour was over, I had some free time to roam around the city trying to find a place to eat. Then somehow I crashed into my bed really early and just slept the whole night away. It probably was from the hike.
So, that sort of sums up what I've done in Dublin so far, todays my last day here before heading to Cork tomorrow and today is all about culture. Im planning on seeing a couple of museums, a couple of cathedrals and possibly either catch a theatre performance or do a pub crawl. Either way, it's going to be another full day but this time it's going to be at my pace.
Now, a couple of first impressions; the people here are real grand, and they are always willing to help if asked a question. I find that there are a lot of students here too, studying somewhere else in Europe and doing a weekend trip here. It doesn't feel to different from Vancouver except for all the ancient buildings and the winding roads. But yeah, thats it so far I'll try to keep updated as often as I can (which Im finding is easier than I expected because I always wake up around 6am and things don't usually open until 9) Cheers!
(Oh and the Guiness here is amazing, and thats coming from someone who doesn't like beer at all)
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