Thursday, 26 December 2013

My Sweet Tooth for Christmas

Hey everyone, so here is a follow up to my last post on Christmas. But instead of all the Christmas decor and crafts I want to show you all the Christmas baking I've done this past season. Now I will admit I was pretty ambitious this season, considering all things. I somehow made time while working practically everyday to make a bunch of goodies that I was able to share with most my friends.

So I was browsing Pinterest and saw this amazingly really easy recipe for a chocolate truffle, that I had all the ingredients for stocked in my pantry. This was the first time I had made truffles, and as simple as it was to make it, I found it there was a lot of waiting time- particularly waiting for the chocolate to settle before scooping them into chunks, then letting them settle again before rolling them into balls. I then coated them with simple confectionary sugar or a cocoa/sugar mixture.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Happy Holidays

Hey everyone! So I know it's been almost 2 months since my last post but in my defence, this time of year is always so busy for me. You see around this time of year is when I usually take on another part/full time job to add on to my other one, making me have to juggle 2 jobs plus all the Christmas celebrations. So pretty I haven't had a single day off since December 3rd, but hey that's life right? Come the New Year it's gonna get a lot less intense.

My first Christmas tree